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Litter includes short collections about:
No time left to write around the edges of family and a full-time job.
Repeated awkward encounters with Killian Sundermann, for some reason.
AI and thoughts about thinking, while walking.
Litter also covers: words and language, the natural and built worlds, history, archaeology, geology, art museums, books, ‘stacks, poems — not to mention zombies, blackberries, Minecraft and Where's Wally, parenting fails, parenting triumphs, very long train rides, my boyfriend’s terrible excellent puns, and other assorted buffet table miscellany.
Litter is divided into Sections:
The ongoing saga of the P U B.
A female version of On The Road/High Fidelity called the N O T E B O O K S, delivered in instalments.
A novel you can’t read yet because it’s still a w…